Keto, carnivore, low fat, low carb, high protein high fat, ....or commonsense
With so much focus on diet and exercise, looking good (which currently is generally seen as lean and muscular), influencers posting beautiful pictures of themselves and the food they are (maybe) eating there is almost a first world obsession with what to eat.
Firstly, how lucky are we that we get to choose. To some extent what to eat depends on your individual circumstances and your goals. As an example - If you are a fifty year old sedentary overweight female your intake will need to look somewhat different to a 20 year old male, outdoor worker, who plays football and goes to the gym every day after his run.
Dietary guidelines are often a good place to start. They evolve as science evolves. They may not have always been perfect for everyone and are meant as a guide. It is always interesting to look at not just Australia’s guidelines but other countries as well. Brazil’s have always been one of my favourites. Look at Japan and Scandinavian countries. Culture, connection, real foods (minimally processed) and variety (intake from all food groups) are all important.
There shouldn’t be hard and fast templated rules for eating. Michael Pollan’s eat food, mostly plants, and not too much is a good place to start. The Mediterranean Diet is consistently good, and recently the PURE Diet Score recommended foods including Dairy (full fat) and (optional) Meat (non processed) and fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes, fish and (optional) whole grains.
If you would like to discuss and work on a plan for you and your individual circumstances send me a text 0427100697 or an email and make an appointment.